Privacy Policy

Eden Bandana Co gathers a specific amount of information from you in order to provide an online shopping service. We gather the information provided by you during the sale of goods and services/ online inquiries. The specific data we store for a maximum of six years is as follows: Name, Address, Email, Phone Numbers plus any further information you provide to Eden Bandana Co. Eden Bandana Co will correct or amend your details on your request. You can also request to have the processing of your personal data halted by Eden Bandana Co.

Eden Bandana Co may gather your information relating to promotional activity and any information you provide when contacting us. Eden Bandana Co also reviews usage and usage patterns of this site to help maintain and improve services to you. Eden Bandana Co respects your right to privacy and take seriously the responsibility of protecting your data and using it only for purposes intended for Eden Bandana Co.

Personal Information, what and why Eden Bandana Co collects customer information.

Eden Bandana Co only requests information from it's customers in order to process and dispatch orders from this website, this data will be held for a maximum of six years. Eden Bandana Co does not share your data with other businesses. Eden Bandana Co will disclose customers personal data if in good faith it is believed that the company is required to disclose in order to comply with any applicable law, a summons, a search warrant, a court or regulatory order, or other statutory requirement. 

​How long personal information is held

Eden Bandana Co will hold personal data, for a maximum period of six years.


Eden Bandana Co website is built using The cookies implemented by can be found in their documentation.

Eden Bandana Co will update its privacy policy from time to time and publish on this website.